Partonomy list P2, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

visual organ (pair)

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Current level visual organ (pair) Extended
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Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
54448 30694 6880
visual organ (pair) ; sight (pair)
organum visuale (par) ; visus (par)
54448 53 53
12513 34736 6881
eyeball (pair)
bulbus oculi (par)
58112 34739 6882
anterior pole (pair)
polus anterior (par)
58114 34742 6883
posterior pole (pair)
polus posterior (par)
58142 34745 6884
equator (pair)
equator (par)
34748 6885
meridians (pair)
meridiani (par)
58292 34751 6886
external axis of eyeball (pair)
axis bulbi externus (par)
58293 34754 6887
internal axis of eyeball (pair)
axis bulbi internus (par)
58163 34757 6888
optic axis of eyeball (pair)
axis opticus bulbi oculi (par)
58865 34760 6889
anterior segment (pair)
segmentum anterius (par)
58868 34763 6890
posterior segment (pair)
segmentum posterius (par)
58102 34766 6891
tunica fibrosa bulbi oculi (par)
58103 34769 6913
tunica vasculosa bulbi oculi (par) ; uvea (par)
58301 34772 6949
tunica interna bulbi oculi (par)
58241 35054 6999
lens (pair) P3 65 children
lens (par)
58071 35106 7016
camerae bulbi oculi (par)
260119 28006 7030
structurae oculi accessoriae (par)
18 lines
97.8 %
83.3 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Tunica fibrosa has been subdivided into the Sclera, the Cornea and the Limbus corneae, a transitional zone between sclera and cornea, of utmost importance for the maintenance of intra-ocular pressure, since the removal of aqueous humor occurs here. The terminology used follows Hogan MJ, Alvarado JA, Weddell JE (1971) Histology of the Human Eye. Saunders, Philadelphia, PA.
Type of list P2
List Unit Identifier 6880
Sublist 1 6913 tunica vasculosa bulbi oculi 201/70 on 24.1.2020
Error in sublist Found children 206 Found units 77
Sublist 2 6949 tunica interna bulbi oculi 243/96 on 24.1.2020
Error in sublist Found children 244 Found units 93
Sublist 3 6999 lens 65/22 on 8.4.2018
Sublist 4 7016 camera bulbi 42/15 on 8.4.2018
Sublist 5 7030 structura accessoria oculi 276/93 on 24.1.2020
Error in sublist Found children 279 Found units 94
Sublist 6 6891 tunica fibrosa bulbi oculi 97/34 on 11.5.2018
Subtotals subchildren 924 subunits 330
Proper children 39
Invalid number of children Found children: 972
Check Sublist children: 924
Proper units 12
Invalid number of units Found units: 342
Check Found units: 330
Invalid signature 4618 ( 25.1.2020)
Date: 10.09.2021